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How To Install Miata I.L. Motorsport Sill Plates


Watch OMGMIATA install I.L. Motorsport Sill Plates.

The sill plates come with double sided tape on the back and weather stripping so they won't scratch your paint. The kit includes four screws for installation, but you can install with either screw or bolts. If you want to use the double sided tape feature you can take off the rubber cover and press the sill down so it sticks. This video does not demonstrate this feature.

Remove the old sill plates, either with power tools or by hand. Pop them off and if you see anything dirty, wipe it down. The inserts will move forward and back so you need to line them up according to your side sills. You can use screws or machine bolts on here. Take the side sill and make sure to orient it correctly, with the logo on the passenger door latch side. Next, screw in the sill. You might need to play with it to get it lined up. Keep it loose at first. Once you have all four screws in you can slide the sill forward and back to get the right placement. There's a little gap at the front where the weather stripping stops, you might want to slide it forward to cover that. You then tighten it down. It doesn't need much. If you overtighten it you'll start to see the sill rising in bumps and waves.

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